Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Comment preview: I agree, although I went to an Ivy of lesser prestige, and I think it would sound pretty silly to say "I went to school in Ithaca." It's easier for me to say the name of the school because the prestige is somewhat less (although still, not bad, eh). And ....
Comment preview: I live in Germany and the principal was a dick because of "minor" stuff I did. Full story: The public transportation went on strike for a week but every pupil had to go to school, so most went by bike (1 hour ride for me). When I arrived at the school stre ....
Comment preview: The most infuriating phrase that my family picked up was "isn't that what you went to school for?" Forget the typical annoyance of everybody expecting you to fix their stuff for free. Forget that if you touch it, everything that will happen to that compute ....
Comment preview: Went to school in USA and Europe. I failed all classes other than English when at US school. I was always tired. I had to wake up at 5.30am to get the bus to school in the US and it was terrible. I was always tired and miserable by the time school got out. ....
Comment preview: I went to school with [Cali Taylor](http://s1.babesandstars.com/c/cali-taylor/seie/15.jpg). I went from 6th grade to graduating with her in high school. She also has videos made of masturbation. Just type her name into Bing to find those. We had a hello ba ....
Comment preview: It's actually not. In my high school career, I attended high schools in 3 different states. In SoCal, I went to a rich private school and then the regular ol' public high school, mixed wealth, due to this particular town. In Colorado, a plain average publi ....
Comment preview: I'm not sure what school magikot went to, but I remember going over WWII for over a month, and revisiting it every year for *at least* a week or two at every single level involving U.S./world history of my public education. Starting in 5th grade, we went o ....
Comment preview: When my Dad went for his Liver Transplant I went to school on the Tuesday even knowing he had a good chance of not making it. Just wanted something normal for a change. Though I had a note and permission to leave whenever I wanted throughout the day, so ....
Comment preview: One of my local high schools is Columbine. I was attending as a junior at a rival school, all because our district lines had me a block off from being in Columbine's district. There was a noticeable change in the overall culture around school. The kids e ....
Comment preview: Every team has two types of fans. Alumni and sidewalk alumni. Those who went to school there and those who became a fan for any other reason. This is not unique to UA. Even a school like Northwestern will end up with at least a few folks who like the team ....
Comment preview: When my brother was 9 he had a chore were he had to cut hay and give it to our horse. When he finished he identically put the knife in his pocket and went to school. Once he was at school he had to use the bathroom and he felt the knife and went strait to ....
Comment preview: It all depends on where you live, my guess is this probably a typical suburb school that doesnt have any actual real problems to care about. Inner city schools would have actual weapons to worry about, and rural schools dont care about actual weapons. I we ....
Comment preview: She went to school in the Mat-Su school district. My kid goes to the Mat-Su school district. They do not teach abstinence-only education. I don't know where people got this idea that Bristol Palin went through an abstinence-only sex-ed program. Teen pre ....
Comment preview: Hey there! So, I went to a fairly shitty state school for college, and a much much better school for law school. Here is what I know for sure -- there are plenty of brilliant people at crappy schools and plenty of complete morons at good schools. Credent ....
Comment preview: I'm on the opposite side of this phenomenon. I used to be a scrawny, effeminate goth kid in high school. When I go back to my hometown and I happen across people who knew me in high school, they're always shocked to hear that I joined the Army, went to Ira ....
Comment preview: A teacher was purposely dropping pencils to look up girls skirts, he got sacked. There was a rumor that one of the lesbian PE teachers felt a kid up in the changing rooms, also we had an assembly about how mysterious and suspicious poops were being found a ....
Comment preview: I was a really good student in high school but every once in awhile I would smoke weed before school. One day I was called down to the office because someone had ratted me out. I was scared and in a panic, I admitted to smoking weed before school that day. ....
Comment preview: Well, in terms of general rules for finding a job, you did several things wrong, yes. First, you left your law school's home market for a place you had no job offer and weren't even taking the bar until February. This throws you out of the hiring cycle for ....
Comment preview: His children will still inherit large sums of money, but that's not what this discussion is about. Warren Buffet is a billionaire, we all know the guy has money. He earned it, and I'm not going to spew some hateful bullshit just because the guy is extremel ....
Comment preview: It really is. Sometimes I think about just how bad the recession screwed me over, and it's sort of incalculable. Couldn't get a good job so I went to school. School loans didn't cover the cost of living and tuition so I worked while going to school. Workin ....
Comment preview: Dude, as an African American female, I can understand you dislike of that aspect of my culture. I grew up in a town where I went to a small school, it was evenly mixed but when I moved, I went to a mainly white high school. And because of my mothers effort ....
Comment preview: Fun story - I grew up in a very mean neighborhood full of rich, spoiled fucks. There was a very sharp divide between the rich and poor parts of town so all the poorer kids on my street (which was right on the divide) went to school with the richer kids (th ....
Comment preview: There were thousands of people that were able to cross the North Korean-China border, that was not difficult as North Korean border patrols were always subject to bribes and there was simply no patrol on the China side at the border. An average day was ver ....
Comment preview: I live in an area with a lot of Private Catholic Schools and there are a lot of rivalries between them. I Went to one school that was all boys. One night there was a homecoming dance at one of the rivalry schools and I was just driving around aimlessly wit ....
Comment preview: When I was 8, I woke up around 11:30 a.m. Which was really weird because it was a school day, and normally my mom would have woken me up at like 6:30 to get ready. I went into the other room and she was crying on the couch. My otherwise healthy father d ....
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