Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Orson Scott

Comment preview: So here's what I don't get. Imagine that a French citizen spends a few months in Amsterdam. While there he decides that the quality of the weed isn't good enough for him so he makes a plea on the internet asking for people to send him weed. A guy in the U ....

Comment preview: Same thing for me. Only I'm black and am not an immigrant currently residing in France. I'm from one of the French Colonies and everyday I'm still treated like a "foreigner". I have a french education, french nationality but you can tell from certain looks ....

Comment preview: So I've at least scanned all of the comments here, and I think there are some misunderstandings about this issue that haven't been clarified: 1. It's not just immigrants from Muslim countries who seek to wear veils that cover the face. There is a very lar ....

Comment preview: The least cynical interpretation of this might credit the Marshall Plan. After the War was over the US invested heavily in reconstruction efforts in the UK, France, West Germany, and all over Europe. In 1945 French citizens could not have known that the US ....

Comment preview: Islamophobia is real and has been fueled by Western interventions in the the Middle East and demonization of anything Muslim. As a French citizen here's my 2 cents. France is particularly xenophobic due to our total intolerance towards other cultures which ....

Comment preview: > Napoleon was not French; He was Corsican If you say that in France you will be lynched. The Republican principle (and theory) is that 'French' is not defined by race or ethnicity but only by citizenship, i.e. all French citizens are equally French. No ....

Comment preview: >France s new bill also gives the government the power to tap cell phones, read emails, and force Internet providers to scan customers Internet use for information upon request. Additionally, French intelligence agencies could request the authority to ....

Comment preview: Let me weigh in on this, I'll try to reference my sources, but knowing that I'm no historian and only know that from my history classes, it might be hard, and so my answer could very well be deleted at any moment. I'm french. Born, raised, and citizen. How ....

Comment preview: I'm French, and this is what I think of the situation: -I see Stephano as being very undecisive... You dont sign a contract, then break it the next day... It just sounds as if he isnt taking his sc2 career seriously... -Concerning the legal aspect of the s ....

Comment preview: You mean how France banned wearing face coverings in public yet only enforced the rule against Muslims? There was a video by French Journalists where they wore ordinary costumes covering their faces, and received no trouble, but then showed Muslims getting ....

Comment preview: 200 years ? The longest French presence in Africa was in Algeria from roughly 1830 to 1960, that's 130 years. All the other "French African" countries were colonized only for a few decades, from the 1880's to the 1960s at the latest. It's mostly the Sahara ....

Comment preview: It happened aboard a Thalys train (Amsterdam-Paris liaison operated by France & Netherlands & Belgium rail)). A French citizen, a 28-year-old banker working in the Netherlands who asked to remain anonymous, went to the toilets, faced the armed terr ....

Comment preview: French here. France is bad, but don't point out our immigration problems or you're going to be called "racist". Muslim people immigrate from North Africa, they're always very welcome here. They get help from the State (Free healthcare, money every month fo ....

Comment preview: Hi guys im Spanish so let me help with the article here. I dont really believe what it says, its MARCA afterall but here goes(I will only translate what matters not the beginning which is utter bullshit): The main problem Monaco is facing right now is fisc ....

Comment preview: Seriously as an Iraq veteran now I see it as France just being a good friend. France got so much shit for trying to tell us to do the right thing. I look at it like the U.S. was drunk with rage and about to get behind the wheel and France was being the b ....

Comment preview: Not OP but some precisions (I know you from /r/AskHistorians but I have few sources except if you speak french in which case the Legion website and some French Assembly reports give valuable information): 1) Likely outdated. The Legion nationalities vary w ....

Comment preview: And just to piggy back here with another question... Didn't the American Revolution serve as an inspiration for the French Revolution? The irony here being that the government of Louis XVI gave financial and military aid to the Americans during the Revolut ....

Comment preview: This was posted last week. Turns out the guy is French not American. Someone got a sauce? I'm lazy. Fine, I'll do it myself.... "Veterans of the MACV/SOG community were quick to debunk the story. They had already checked out the story several years ago and ....

Comment preview: Hello there. I'm French but do not and have never lived in Paris. I agree with you on one point: We, French citizen are not very open to strangers, in general. We make fun of foreigns when they try to speak French instead of encouraging them. In fact, we m ....

Comment preview: I live in France and it already has restrictions on speech, a mainstream media that is very cosy with politicians, and anti-terrorism laws that would blow the average American away. Examples: Right to a lawyer or counsel? You can be held without charge on ....

Comment preview: So wait, when Muslim immigrants (key word) violently protest against the state they live in because said state supports freedom of speech it is OK but when natives of said land protest against the backwards ideals of Islam that are very much encroaching on ....

Comment preview: I'm french, quite patriotic, love my country and all, but this makes me laugh. No president in the world has sucked Gadaffi's dick harder than Sarkozy. I had to show my passport to get back to my own home for about a week last year because Gadaffi had deci ....

Comment preview: As a European, I'd like our countries to have similar laws. We have rich individuals who buy a house in Monaco, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, ~~or just a letterbox on Jersey~~, and then they don't have to pay any income tax anymore. But when they need a 100 ....

Comment preview: This is less a geological split and more a progenitive split. The fact that they're geologically grouped is simply coincidental and due to ease of colonizing abutting land. This can be seen further when you start looking at colonization in the rest of the ....

Comment preview: Exactly true. Many things beat the Nazis, not least of all many German citizens who helped to fight against the Nazis even before the outbreak of war. The British beat the Nazis in the sense that they managed to hold out alone against the full might of Naz ....