Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Comment preview: A few years ago i found myself in a similar situation. I grew up being the life of the party, no matter where i was or what the atmosphere entailed, then in a fit of young adult rebellion I joined the USMC and found myself slowly stripped of my personality ....
Comment preview: I lost my mind. I remember picking up *something* off a desk. I was holding it in my hand. At first, it was a stapler, then it morphed into a hole punch, then into a sticky tape dispenser. I was holding it in my hands, touching it, holding it up to my face ....
Comment preview: I had 6 pet crayfish at one point (I smoked a lot of weed at uni) About a week in I find a body of a cray fish that I assumed died in the night, so I went outside and buried it in the court yard, gave it an honourable send of. I get back to the tank and se ....
Comment preview: When I was pregnant, my husband and I were driving and discussing dinner options and I casually mentioned we had some frozen chimichangas we could cook and doctor up. He mentions a few more things and then says "or we could just do the chimichangas." And f ....
Comment preview: Story Time! It was a hard Monday morning. For some reason, I had gone to bed late the night before. I woke groggy and disoriented, unsure of my surroundings and my body. Why was I so dizzy? Why was my hair so short? Why was I sleeping alone? Where was Peet ....
Comment preview: not sure of dosage, but was 11 blotter square thingies, it was my birthday so i went all out visuals were so intense i got lost in the empty parking in front of my apartment there were animals running all around me, flowing like water. i could reach out an ....
Comment preview: Ive actually left a cart full of groceries in the middle of an aisle, picked up my child, and walked out of the store to put him in the car and go home. I decided I could get my groceries later but right at that moment it was time to make the point that s ....
Comment preview: When I was 18 I was in a car accident. I struck a vehicle with my car and the other vehicle a jeep flipped. The driver died. For about 3 years I went through horrible depression. The scene was something out of a horror film. I lost my mind that day. Su ....
Comment preview: dude...i about lost my mind. my brother and two sisters are all happily married with children (and two of them are much younger than me). All of my friends are married with kids.... I was resorting to dating women I knew were wrong for me. Finally, one d ....
Comment preview: TL;DR Saw the grandpa touching her in front of her bedroom. Lost control. Some blood flowed. _____________________________ I currently live abroad, at the home of an important pharmaceutical company boss, for my one year practice for my Business studies. M ....
Comment preview: Oh man, I have one of these that INVOLVES the Matrix. I got my wisdom teeth out in 2000 right around the time that the original Matrix came out on VHS. I was bombed completely out of my mind on percocet after coming back from the surgery (I had awful wisdo ....
Comment preview: I read this book in high school as a sophomore and I knew it was amazing, but I couldn't articulate why. I kept an old best up copy the school was going to throw out and started reading it over and over, at least twice a year, adding notes and anecdotes in ....
Comment preview: Part 1: I have a somewhat similar story. Except what happened to you in college happened to me in High School - well the friends and drugs and alcohol part. Towards the end of my high school career, I let my grades completely slip to the point of failing E ....
Comment preview: I jumped. The few days before my attempted suicide the world felt as if it had come crashing down on top of me with everything it had to give. My new boyfriend cheated on me with one of my friends, my school performance plummeted, I lost my job, and I cons ....
Comment preview: "Where did God come from?" "He always existed." I remember asking this question in my CCD (Sunday School) class at age ten in front of thirty other kids and six teachers. I was sincerely curious as to who or what created God and I received this response. I ....
Comment preview: One night a couple of years ago I was in bed, sound asleep, when I was awoken by what could only be described as evil laughter. At first I thought it was one of those "Hypnopompic auditory hallucinations", like when you're barely asleep and you'd swear yo ....
Comment preview: Unrelated genius bar story... I went to the genuis bar because my internal speaker busted on my iPhone 4. It had a few visible scratches from my wedding ring on the back and one small random one on the front. I was working with one guy who was relatively n ....
Comment preview: I hope you "nice" folk don't get discouraged when you see me shine a spotlight on whoever's got the ugliest hat. This is another thing I am always told (I'm not saying you're telling me this, but the topic now comes to mind): don't feed the trolls, it make ....
Comment preview: I am still in my party phase. When I was 16-20 I played in a punk rock band, typical drinking and smoking weed. When I was 18 some friends convinced me to go to a rave with them. I took my first roll, a blue dolphin, and loved it. I threw myself into that ....
Comment preview: I did 12grams of mushrooms with my girlfriend on her birthday I guess they were extra potent because this felt like at least 20 grams. We went to see tron in 3d and she's never done mushrooms before. she left partway to go to the bathroom and came back onc ....
Comment preview: Flight back home from Phoenix to Boston, I have a mid-plane aisle seat. Guy walks on almost last onto the plane and goes to the row opposite mine where he has the other aisle seat. He opens up the overhead bin (closed because it's been full for the last ....
Comment preview: When I was in university my friends and I took mushrooms regularly for a little while. It was all fun and games until we started really pushing the barriers. At first we would make mushroom tea and have maybe 2 cups over the course of the night and smoke w ....
Comment preview: She is in love. Always will be. Her future partners are destined to be a pale shadow to the man that she fantasized about marrying. Sad thing about humans is that we tend to only want those that shattered our heart to piece it back together. I am old enoug ....
Comment preview: While Playing classroom with my three year old brother he made an off handed coment about being in my mothers belly twice. I was amused and said oh really. He preceeded to tell me in amazing detail being inside our mother. He told me about it being warm ....
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