Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Comment preview: No, shuttlebay's comment was probably in reference to Ancient Greece which was fairly advanced for its time. However, to qualify as a developed nation in modern terms a nation generally speaking must be a post-industrial society (one where the service ind ....
Comment preview: Alright, before I begin I need to define my terms as this is a somewhat tricky area with regards to ambiguous/non-specific terms. When I use the word Greek, I will be referring to all cultures that spoke Greek languages and that had a cultural connection w ....
Comment preview: They knew the north were colder lands; but not as far as the Artic, not even Scandinavia. The primary reasons being that Greek interest laid on the rich East, not to the north where people they saw as barbarians lived. And looking at their maps, we can see ....
Comment preview: Personally, I think a AC game set in Ancient Greece would be amazing. The Assassin Headquarters of Greece could be in Athens, the home of open mindedness and that kinda stuff that seems like it would fit assassins. Sparta could be where the Templar HQ in G ....
Comment preview: Actually, prison sexuality and sexuality in ancient Greece are extremely alike. Both are focused on what role you take rather than what you do and who you are attracted to. Pederasty, sexual relationships between men and boys, in ancient Greece went on un ....
Comment preview: You might find these previous discussions useful: * [Were there religious fundamentalists in ancient Greece and Rome?](http://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/vbol3/were_there_religious_fundamentalists_in_ancient/) * [Did Romans really believe that ....
Comment preview: It's worth noting that in Greece, at least, it didn't always stop. Plato's *Symposium* features a couple that continued to be lovers even after the *eromenos* (the younger partner, who was penetrated) came of age. My classics professor said that eromenos ....
Comment preview: To elaborate on what you said, homosexuality in ancient Greece is greatly misunderstood. There's no simple comparison to modern day sexuality. Wikipedia is pretty concise: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_sex#Ancient_and_non-Western_cultures](http://en.w ....
Comment preview: Phillip did control the city states, but they rebelled against Alexander, thinking the young king weak and unable to exert the control his father did over Greece. Alexander led a force that crushed Thessaly (which then joined his cavalry) and Corinth, with ....
Comment preview: One thing you forgot is that the questioner asked specifically about ancient Greece. There's a lot of misinformation in some posts here - don't for a second believe that ancient Greece was about equality between men and women, for instance. In Greece, wom ....
Comment preview: The western culture inherited the trope of mankind's "fall from grace" from the ancient Greeks. They believed in a glorified past where people lived in harmony with themselves and the gods, built great monuments, and practiced many kinds of arts -- in comp ....
Comment preview: Ok. You know how the Olympics started out as an amateur event? And that was a deliberate thing - it was all about the inherent value of honour rather than the Benjamins or whatever. Well, there were three other Panhellenic Games (i.e. drawing competitors f ....
Comment preview: Not to discourage the question or replies, but it may be difficult to find a concrete historical answer to this question, because the prohibition is so ancient. This may be a better question for /r/asksocialscience or /r/askanthropology. **Edit:** the ques ....
Comment preview: It most certainly was already a thing in the Roman Empire. Charioteers were very well paid athletes. Very much on par (in equivalent wealth) with the wealthiest of modern athletes. There have been some (dubious because difficult) comparisons with modern at ....
Comment preview: To the people that say that Greece is going to be a 3rd world country. Greece became a third world country by being enforced all these referendums. 3rd world country examples: Suicides have skyrocketed. Many people live with no light. Every winter people i ....
Comment preview: From what I see of the trope, it gets applied to Ancient Egypt more than any other ancient culture. I'd hesitate to call it racist because Ancient Egyptians are usually represented as the first peoples in the Western genealogical pyramid. For the accepted ....
Comment preview: To go slightly further back, it was used in a similar way in ancient Greece. In fact the ancient Greeks seemed to have used applause pretty regularly in a range of uses covering many of the modern ones: applause is attested at the end of plays and during a ....
Comment preview: First, for further info, a few previous threads that covered similar topics: * [How "serious" were religious beliefs in ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, and what role did they actually play in everyday life?How "serious" were religious beliefs in ancie ....
Comment preview: Talking about homosexuality in Ancient Greece is difficult mostly because of the connotation modern society has about the word, love and relationships. Male homosexually is often discussed as pederasty. Where an older man (*erastes*) is the sexual and soci ....
Comment preview: Teaching an "Intro to Art History" class, the majority of my students are NOT art majors and the most of them are only taking the class to fulfill a creative or art course credit requirement. My tests are manageable--or, at least, palatable and in line as ....
Comment preview: I think there is an argument to be made that Iran, Egypt, Iraq, and others, are not in fact ancient civilizations. Though they occupy the same territory were previous civilizations has once made its home. The people might be genetic descendants, and some t ....
Comment preview: Actually, you are mistaken there, but only slightly. The pentagram is not used in Wicca, the pentacle is used in Wicca. The pentacle has the point facing upwards, while the pentagram has the point downwards. The pentagram was also used in ancient christ ....
Comment preview: I can't speak for Mesopotamia or Ming China, but you're dramatically misrepresenting ancient Rome. You would not want to be a Roman bottom. A man could stick his dick in anything, but you could lose your citizenship for being penetrated. It was considered ....
Comment preview: * **Ancient Greece** I feel the setting of Ancient Greece has a lot of potential: tons of interesting people, a lot of historical events, and if you can explore the Aegean sea then you have an insane possibility of exploration! * **Norse Scandinavia (+ Eng ....
Comment preview: The Mycenaean civilization, which flourished in Greece during the late Bronze Age (1600-1050BCE), left behind some very conspicuous pieces of monumental architecture that the people of classical antiquity not only encountered, but interacted with and incor ....
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