Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Orson Scott

Comment preview: Once Obama honestly answers the question of why I can't import prescription drugs from Canada, I'll maybe believe he's not trying to put holes in the pockets of citizens. Obama promised Americans would be able to import drugs from Canada to reduce costs. ....

Comment preview: Not to interrupt the "OMFG big pharma are hooking you like addits, man" cirle-jerk that's going on, but has anyone considered that by definition the *most profitable* drugs are the ones you have to keep taking, beause drugs you take that cure the disease i ....

Comment preview: Well, this is a deep rebuttal, but I'll try to be as concise as possible. Big Pharma, as we know it today, could essentially be viewed more as large investment firms. The cost to develop a drug from the academic lab to the market is somewhere around $100 m ....

Comment preview: Oh yeah? Well, I can, like, totally prove that homeopathy works. I notice a lot of my fellow homeopathy supporters are just leaving snide comments, instead of spelling out the logic. I don't think that's the way to go. I think we should make our logic c ....

Comment preview: Don't confuse 'support' with 'has no choice in the matter.' Let me explain, The drug war is ridiculously profittable for America, Big Pharma and Alcohol not to mention the textile industry, all make a fortune from the Hemp plant being illegal. These three ....

Comment preview: What a fucking scumbag. For people who are interested in shady and immoral practices of pharmaceutical companies, check out the documentary Fire In The Blood. It looks at the intentional blocking of low-priced generic HIV/AIDS drugs in the developing world ....

Comment preview: Not only is this a good idea, it is absolutely necessary for a country like the US to ensure it is competitive in the world. Anyone who thinks this will cause companies to just leave the US altogether needs to rethink their position. To give one example, * ....

Comment preview: Add the peculiar psychology of conspiracy theories to that mix, and you have a pretty much complete picture of the anti vaccine crowd's position: As mentioned, the doctor responsible for the study which showed a link between autism and vaccination was barr ....

Comment preview: I don't think big pharma will take much of a hit on this. If anything, legalization will open up previously locked down research opportunities and help usher in pot-based drugs with better efficacy and reduced unwanted effects (at least in terms of clinica ....

Comment preview: I've seen dozens of stories like this over the years in emails, news websites, and places like reddit. Shall we go through the background of the big pharma issue? The background that most people are unaware of, but still feel justified in complaining abo ....

Comment preview: The essence of the message here is absolutely correct. The 'right' way to do this is not to blanket double funds, but I know that is not what she is proposing. A few points: 1. The ROI on Pharma's R&D is now approximately at their cost of capital [s ....

Comment preview: >The sectors of the economy in which the government is most involved are also the most dysfunctional (e.g., healthcare, banking, etc.). I stopped reading right here. Banking is dysfunctional because we have done nothing in the last 2 decades but deregul ....

Comment preview: Why would you wait? If your current company makes you an offer then by all means stay, but why would you want to just sit around waiting? You gotta take control over your own career. Even though they say there will be no layoffs, that may or may not be tru ....

Comment preview: People spend less money on alcohol because they have a wider variety of substances to choose from. Pharma companies much the same, weed can compete with painkillers and epilepsy in certain cases. Mdma can be used for ptsd, ketamine for depression & psy ....

Comment preview: You know, I could give you props for using the NIH for finding a study right until you started calling the CDC the mistress of big pharma. You do know pharma makes no money - actually loses money - on most vaccines, right? And that they have to compensate ....

Comment preview: Actually this might be EXACTLY what is needed to defeat the pharm trolls. Some important points: - The drug is long out of patent, they really just bought the name and the FDA approval to make the drug. Any other company can make it - just without the tra ....

Comment preview: I guess your point that ketamine shouldn't be abused is a good one, but many of your points are way off. >While interesting, these trials will probably be used to develop a non-psychoactive derivative that still acts on NMDA receptors (IMO).Big Pharma w ....

Comment preview: Exactly. The biggest anti-weed lobbyists are private prisons, drug testing companies, alcohol and tobacco companies, prison guard unions, Big Pharma, and police unions. Follow the money. Breakdown: * Private Prisons: Fucked up to begin with. Corporations s ....

Comment preview: Keep in mind that reddit is not the circle jerky hivemind that many like to claim it is, and while I'd say a majority of users are Progressives/Liberals, there are plenty who are not. With that said, I sort of see where a lot of users get turned off by Ma ....

Comment preview: Cigarette and Alcohol companies tend to be against cannabis legalization because its recreational use would offer direct competition to their products. Big Pharma is against cannabis legalization because its medicinal use can legitimately replace many OtC ....

Comment preview: OK, I know we all like to hate on big pharma, and they deserve it. But this HuffPost blog does not point to any specific action by the Obama Administration "pressing India". I don't mean to rain on everyone's moral superiority party but here is what actu ....

Comment preview: Ugh... I am very close to finishing up a PhD in organic chemistry and while medicinal chemistry is not where I am going, I think that I have an informed opinion on this topic. Big Pharma is not trying to kill people. Most of the people doing research on th ....

Comment preview: Just commenting on this part, the title: >You know who should be angry about ObamaCare? Real socialists. I think he's right there. As a self-described Socialist, I would argue that socialists would advocate for single-payer system. As I constantly have ....

Comment preview: People seem to be missing the point. India is refusing patents for old drugs with minor changes. This is a common problem in developed nations...once a patent expires, pharma changes one minor part of the formula (pill to IV form etc) and claims it is a NE ....

Comment preview: This implies that if US Pharma lost its market share and incentives, all potential new drugs would not be possible any more, and research would halt. There will always be a demand for pharmaceutical drugs. always. its just a matter of who controls that m ....