Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Comment preview: OP is a bundle of sticks and even re-posted his own re-post. title | points | age | /r/ | comnts :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- [An appeal to the /r/circlejerk mods](http://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/comments/2z8v7p/an_appeal_to_the_rcirclejerk_mods/) | 666 | 1^dy | ....
Comment preview: Everybody says there is this CIRCLEJERKING problem in r/circlejerk. Everybody says this r/circlejerk CIRCLEJERKING problem will be solved when the admins remove r/circlejerk and only r/circlejerk from the default subreddits. r/funny and r/wtf are circlejer ....
Comment preview: Just to clarify, circlebroke is not meant as some kind of academic attempt at the philosophical deconstruction of circlejerks as a means to improve the quality of discourse on Reddit. There are no noble aims. It is, if anything, the epitome of circlejerkin ....
Comment preview: #It's time for another showing of... ***REDDIT DETECTIVES!*** On this episode, we examine /u/ImAFuckhead's profile! He's been spreading some pretty aggressive negativity in an /r/gaming thread recently, saying (and I quote) "Remove the circlejerk and it's ....
Comment preview: Here's the thing. You said a "circlebroke is a circlejerk." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies circlebrokes, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls cirlcebrokes circlejerks. If ....
Comment preview: Here's the thing. You said "circlebroke is a circlejerk." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a dank scientist who studies memes, I am telling you, specifically, in Reddit, no one calls circlebroke a circlejerk. If you w ....
Comment preview: Let me preface this by saying that I've been a circlejerker since it first appeared on reddit circa 2008 (ages ago in internet time). I remember refreshing /r/circlejerk all afternoon with the hope that someone would make a funny post about Republicans or ....
Comment preview: Everybody says there is this CIRCLEJERKING problem in r/atheism. Everybody says this r/atheism CIRCLEJERKING problem will be solved when the admins remove r/atheism and only r/atheism from the default subreddits. r/gaming and r/science are circlejerks just ....
Comment preview: Not even going into the different subs reddit is a huge example of this. It's mostly liberal middle class white men who are engineers or work in tech in some way. And they collectively show different ideas than someone who goes on Tumblr, or CNN or Pintres ....
Comment preview: > So is /r/christianity. So is /r/beer. Any time you put together a group of people that share a common belief or hobby, they're going to fucking circlejerk. Just so we're clear here: **circlejerk** people discussing a shared interest. If that's what ....
Comment preview: **BEEP** Anyone seeking more info might also check here: title | points | age | /r/ | comnts :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- [How to get upvotes on r/atheism](http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1cbchl/how_to_get_upvotes_on_ratheism/) | 1546 | 7^hrs | funny | 158 [ ....
Comment preview: So, the original definition of a circlejerk is where a lot of people get together, and literally begin to masturbate the people next to them. Metaphorically, a circlejerk is a self-congratulatory discussion or community. In other words, like-minded people ....
Comment preview: > So few people seem to realise that SRS is a circlejerk. Except, what does that mean? It's not a circlejerk like /r/circlejerk which pretends to circlejerk about views it wants to question in order to parody those who do so seriously. It's a circlejerk ....
Comment preview: The issue at hand is that SRS at its core is a circlejerk. I don't think users in the sub should be surprised the top moderator is acting in a not serious way, especially in a thread that's claiming full responsibility for the action. SRS is literally talk ....
Comment preview: The point of the circlewhine family is to disrupt hivemind opinions on reddit, and the biggest one is the idea that the userbase sucks. For attention whores, it's the most seductive of all. It's the jerk that keeps on giving. Twilight fans don't even know ....
Comment preview: This sub will jump on any circlejerk because of how easy is to get karma complaining. They just state the facts that support their circlejerk and cast aside whatever could possibly be an argument against it. And the worst part is that is very possible that ....
Comment preview: That pretty much describes reddit better than the random guy OP linked. Reddit is a series of circlejerks. You have the base circlejerk. You have the reverse circlejerk against that. You have circlejerks over both of these circlejerks. And then you have an ....
Comment preview: This is what I don't get about reddit. People make a subreddit specific to their interests. They talk about said interest in said subreddit. Then, the rest of reddit constantly brings up the interest and subreddit and calls it a "circlejerk". Is /r/knitti ....
Comment preview: Im so sick of the whole "circlejerk, anticirclejerk, circklejerk" thing. If I like Kanye West or Kendrick Lamar, I am circlejerking. If I talk shit about Macklemore I am circlejerking. Why cant people just have their own individual opinions and leave it ....
Comment preview: I'm sick of this "everything that people like is a circlejerk" crap. Reddits love for bernie is not a circlejerk. It's simply not. Call it one as much as you like, but this shit fucking matters. Bernie Sanders has proven to be the biggest opportunity for ....
Comment preview: First off, there are a couple of definitions floating around regarding what a circlejerk is. Using the definition of a circlejerk from [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/circlebroke/comments/s173o/what_is_a_circlejerk_and_why_is_it_bad/c4aa1dx), put simply, Ye ....
Comment preview: > It quickly gets downvoted and roughly 60% of the site is American. Haha, no way, you can't possibly mean that seriously. It's flamboyantly untrue - the Amerikkka jerk is one of the most bread and butter jerks on the entire site. This is like stumbli ....
Comment preview: Oh yeah, big time. What people fail to realize is we all circlejerk, at the very least you circlejerk over how much better you are than the ignorant circlejerking hivemind. In fact, r/gaming is, on the surface, an anti-COD, PC master race, pro-nostalgia ci ....
Comment preview: > SRS is a circlejerk. This defense has been worn so thin that at this point it's pretty much worthless. Of course SRS is a circlejerk, but they're not a circlejerk like /r/circlejerk is. Sometimes they act super serious and demand that reddit change it ....
Comment preview: Well, I see what you are saying, but I'm going to elaborate on my observations with two main things I've observed in comments sections on bigger posts. I've seen high voted comments limited to "so brave" repeatedly in the comments on frontpage submissions ....
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