Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Orson Scott

Comment preview: Only semi-related but the book actually goes over this, it's called doublethink. Orwell explains it in these paragraphs: > To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously ....

Comment preview: This is exactly what Orwell describes as 'doublethink' in 1984. >the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination. From the book: >The power of holding tw ....

Comment preview: This is the quote from the novel that explains doublethink: >"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contrad ....

Comment preview: I think the reasoning is; because drugs are bad, and if you are for a more common sense approach to dealing with them, you are for gangsters. Or for addiction, I dunno, it's hard to keep the reasoning straight straight. Cognitive dissonance, since the war ....

Comment preview: >Gilda Mountcastle, who d been waiting for care since 5:30 a.m. Thursday, called out from the back of the crowd to say she would not have access to a dentist or eye doctor without the clinic. But she told a reporter afterward that she did not support Me ....

Comment preview: >The entire time you would wonder how quickly he would flip his stance when presented with another audience. I'm beginning to think that Romney doesn't flip his position, but is actually a master of [DoubleThink](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doublethink ....

Comment preview: Yes he's spinning from all the edgy little shits who think the primary problem with 1984's society was cameras. Primary focus was the whole concept of doublethink, which made all the terrible things the state did possible. Ironically or perhaps fittingly, ....

Comment preview: the text messages themselves i don't find terribly important. she states she didn't yet want to accept it was rape so she basically pretended it wasn't at first thats a dumb thing to do, and nobody should ever do that, but actual rape victims tend not to ....

Comment preview: Full Quote from the biography, Mockingbird: A Portrait of Harper Lee - "Recently I have received echoes down this way of the Hanover County School Board's activities, and what I've heard makes me wonder if any of its members can read. Surely it is plain to ....

Comment preview: I love the doublethink I've seen on reddit (and some news sites) with regard to this issue. A day or two after the deadline when the deal framework was published, front-page post is "Iran deal reached!", with people praising the framework as a foreign poli ....

Comment preview: Hoo, boy, this is a giant pile of the standard "the sexes are equal but MEN ARE WORSE" doublethink. Still, I can't let this slide >This is not to say that men and boys cannot be raped certainly they can and do experience sexual assault *(generally at ....

Comment preview: Obama announces pulling out of Afghanistan, but at the end of his first term there will be more soldiers there than when he started. We got involved in a war with Libya, though that s okay as long as you rebrand it as kinetic military action (because d ....

Comment preview: The actual [World Bank Rankings](http://www.doingbusiness.org/rankings) he references are worth a glance. He points out we rank 46th in terms of ease to start a business. Countries that rank ahead of us: Australia, Denmark, Norway, France, Netherlands, F ....

Comment preview: Sorry to kind of hijack the top comment for this, but I want as many people as possible to read it as it's one of my biggest Orwell/language nerd pet peeves: *Doublespeak is not from Orwell.* [It's never mentioned in Nineteen Eighty-Four](http://en.wikiped ....

Comment preview: Doublethink is powerful. It wasn't a little girl, it was a little nigger that was malfunctioning. A rubber making machine that was failing. But then, what good does damaging the unit do? If they are really like animals, wouldn't you take care of them like ....

Comment preview: The way you do this. Is you create a "committee" then, you choose who goes on the committee and then you only give it evidence and a scope that will arrive at your desired conclusion. Whoever pays for it determines result. That is how the Soviets did scien ....

Comment preview: Trust me, you can't explain equivalency to them. You cannot argue with them. They're are not rational actors. They subscribe to Max Nordau's philosophies of the Degenerate Mind he identified in 1892: Emotionalism / Irrationalism / Symbolism. Basically, ....

Comment preview: Because, frankly, most of the American jokes on here are fucking *awful* (I'm looking at 'murica'). I wouldn't be on Reddit if it was just the main subreddits because of the colossal group wank of pro-gun, anti-israel, anti-FSA, anti-theist, pro-anything-S ....

Comment preview: Slavery and the slave trade had been abolished for 20 years, but lots of people in Britain still profited immensely from the use of slaves in the American South. Huge amounts of Southern cotton ended up in Liverpool, supplying Lancashire's massive textile ....

Comment preview: ***TL;DR AT BOTTOM*** It got vaporized. It's an uncomment. It does not exist. It never existed. In "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Upvoting", Winning "Tiger Mom" Blood writes: "When comments are vaporized, they are vaporized because they are unort ....

Comment preview: It's amazing with the doublethink the PA critics perform whenever this subject comes up. Several important factors: * The original Dickwolves strip made fun of MMO quest mechanics, not rape. * Various PA critics act like what they did in response was somet ....

Comment preview: I'd agree with this completely. Reddit has a good mix of backgrounds, but the white hot anger of a million suns descends upon you the moment you hint that straight white men may be causing problems. Like the above guy says, it's a huge generalization and o ....

Comment preview: Wow that's really disconcerting considering the US government appears to be approaching fascism to whatever degree it may. The complete ownership of government by big business, a developing national enemy (Muslims), the vast domestic spying program, mass i ....

Comment preview: It does make perfect sense. You see, feminists want women to be equal to men, but the Patriarchy (TM) forces people to see women as objects or second class citizens. See, women should be strong independent adults that can make their own choices, and the Pa ....

Comment preview: You have to understand the mindset of the average MRA-style redditor. In their heads, SRS has to both be a tiny minority who are ruining the majority's entirely reasonable fun... as well as an unstoppable army of shrill harpies who secretly control the ad ....