Everybody walks past a thousand story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don't see any.
Comment preview: School Days TL;DR: Nice boats make any show better. Neon Genesis Evangelion TL;DR: [](/s "Talking to people is better than being goo.") Spice and Wolf TL;DR: The anime industry never gives you what you want. Sword Art Online TL;DR: The anime industry gives ....
Comment preview: What does tl;dr mean? I am here to inform you. Sometimes statements or messages are too long in length. For many people today, they have no desire to be wasting time reading. Because reading's objective is to learn some point, deriving the point from a lon ....
Comment preview: Here are a bunch that seem pretty interesting. I got these from an InfoWars article titled "33 conspiracy theories that turned out to be true". I didn't include them all, though, because several of them seemed pretty far-fetched. Most of these I'd heard ....
Comment preview: Here is a list from /u/N8thegr8 in another post that i found very interesting. Conspiracy theories that ended up being real. "Here are a bunch that seem pretty interesting. I got these from an InfoWars article titled "33 conspiracy theories that turned out ....
Comment preview: Due to the advanced three phase metabolism of ants and the complex nature of chocolate, especially when ingested and broken down in the ants hive (Sugar breaks down into carbohydrates and mono-saccharides (C12H22O11)) which is then secreted out in the form ....
Comment preview: > EDIT: For fuck's sake, people; the term "TL;DR" has begun to enter common enough use that it has begun to take on a meaning not unlike "to make a long story short." Notice how when you say, "to make a long story short," there doesn't actually have to ....
Comment preview: /u/gtw08 (since banned/deleted) was the owner of Quickmeme, and he was also a moderator of /r/adviceanimals. Other mods [found out.](http://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1gvnk4/quickmeme_is_banned_redditwide_more_inside/cao99l6) **tl;dr:** Someon ....
Comment preview: Maaan, If you're writing a long story, the first sentence should be a summary of what you're about to talk about instead of using TL;DR TLDR used to be a fun insult when someone poured their opinion out in endless wall of text. People started summarizing t ....
Comment preview: [Oh man, I haven't used this in a while.](http://i62.tinypic.com/2yvpc7l.jpg) **What the hell is going on:** Jon hasn't posted anything in a while. Because of this fact, many fans have tried to keep the subreddit active with some light-hearted jokes. This ....
Comment preview: TL;DR might be long for a TL;DR, but I'll try. Techies pop Adderall just as much as they drink alcohol because this "performance enhancing" drug is seen to them as being super-caffeine. You should be bothered by this because abusers either got it from some ....
Comment preview: **TL;DR** So here's what actually happened, as a resident of a very white neighborhood nearby. With the fucking degeneracy of the city and its ineptitude, they didn't send these niggers a water bill. If you were white, you'd probably wonder why you didn't ....
Comment preview: This can be explained scientifically. Men are weaker than women when they get sick because of one thing: testosterone. Both sexes make both testosterone and estrogen, but as you know, men make more testosterone than estrogen and women make more estrogen th ....
Comment preview: OK... here's my TL;DR version: This technique creates code that works, but from which you can't go back to the original code. In that regard, it's a bit like the way we do password hashing (one-way encryption), but it also preserves the FUNCTIONALITY of t ....
Comment preview: **Puts on truth glasses** Story 1 - **TL;DR** - I sucked at math in school and blamed my teacher. I was also repeatedly called a 'momma's boy' due to the fact that my mum dropped me off in her minivan every day and wouldn't leave until I gave her a kiss. I ....
Comment preview: **tl;dr** OP brings up stats that there are very few sexualized males and that about 80% of female champions are sexualized (base or in skins). IronStylus answers with "we are working on it" but also "sometimes sexuality is ok". To clarify I think OP want ....
Comment preview: TL;DR: I really hope you guys talk to her often! Because it means a lot to special needs adults when family acknowledge them. (I know TL;DR normally go at the bottom. But if it's so long you don't want to read it, why would you look for a TL;DR?) I work wi ....
Comment preview: tl;dr http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySJ1Z5o8y5w **EDIT:** *As of midnight CST, OP has deleted nigh-all his comments.* Was it him? Maybe his so-called "obsessive" girlfriend? Will he get laid in the morning? STAY TUNED FOR THIS, AND MORE. **EDIT2:** OP, do ....
Comment preview: TL;DR - Frank Darabont and the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) are pursuing AMC over claims that Darabont is owed money for, among other things, receipts, owed dues never paid, and Developer/EP production rights to The Walking Dead, and potentially the spino ....
Comment preview: They do, which is pretty smart I guess. I did end up walking again. It's actually a pretty incredible story. [I did an AMA](http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/f4rxy/iama_21_year_old_who_broke_his_neck_and_was_never/) a while back, with the full story an ....
Comment preview: I'm currently trying decline bench with higher reps, I will see how it goes but here's a few articles that might interest you. **"Decline bench press better for pecs than incline bench press": http://www.ergo-log.com/decline-bench-press-better-for-pecs-tha ....
Comment preview: I wrote a tl;dr for a comment that's been buried. Here it is again in case the article's a bit long, and I added a tl;dr^tl;dr at the bottom: >tl;dr: Homeless children around the US (here focusing on Miami) for the past 20 years have been constructing ....
Comment preview: In my world history class in highschool, right AFTER we finished studying India, a girl asked the teacher if Gandhi was black ಠ\_ಠ. The entire class went dead silent. The teacher asked her why she thought Gandhi was black; she said he l ....
Comment preview: **tl;dr**: * Kid has trouble learning to write in school and rocks back and forth in class * Teacher tells parents is a form of masturbation * Parents are psychologists (one in majored neuroscience one psychiatry) and know that is a common anxiety behavio ....
Comment preview: Since no one has actually commented and gave everyone a tl;dr, I guess I'll do my civic duty and summarize it. It's actually an interesting article so give it a read. **tl;dr**: People have a very loyal relationship with their laundry detergent. It spans a ....
Comment preview: I got my tie caught in a slicing thingy at a one hour photo lab i worked in years ago when one hour photo labs still roamed the earth. I'd been involved in an ongoing and increasingly fierce dispute with my boss about workplace dress. He insisted i wear a ....
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